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Jamie Maguire, Ph.D.

My research in the Mody lab has focused on the role of GABAergic inhibition in steroid hormone-related disorders, such as catamenial epilepsy, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and postpartum depression.  GABAARs are the major site of action of steroid hormone derivatives, or neurosteroids, in the central nervous system.  We have discovered the dynamic regulation of the expression and function of GABAARs by neurosteroids occurring naturally over the ovarian cycle and throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period.  We further discovered that disruption in the normal regulation of GABAARs over the ovarian cycle and during the postpartum period may underlie steroid hormone-linked mood disorders such as PMDD and postpartum depression, respectively.  We have discovered a mouse model which exhibits abnormal postpartum behaviors, including depression-like behaviors and abnormal maternal behaviors exclusively during the postpartum period, which may serve as a useful model for studying postpartum depression.

I have recently accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Neuroscience Department at the Tufts University School of Medicine (www.neurosci.tufts.edu ).  My future research goals will focus on the GABAergic control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the role of this regulation in neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, ranging from epilepsy to postpartum depression.  For more information, go to www.maguirelab.com .

icon Jamie Maguire Biosketch 2009

Jamie Maguire, Ph.D.
Assistant Researcher

Department of Neurology
UCLA School of Medicine
NRB 1, Room 555
635 Charles Young Drive South
Los Angeles, CA 90095-733522

    Lab 1:     (310) 206-3484
    Lab 2:     (310) 206-3485
       FAX:     (310) 825-0033
