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Stroke is a leading cause of disability, but no pharmacological therapy is currently available for promoting recovery. The brain region adjacent to stroke damage—the peri-infarct zone—is critical for rehabilitation, as it shows heightened neuroplasticity, allowing sensorimotor functions to re-map from damaged areas1 (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7321/full/nature09511.html#ref1), 2 (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7321/full/nature09511.html#ref2), 3 (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7321/full/nature09511.html#ref3). Thus, understanding the neuronal properties constraining this plasticity is important for the development of new treatments. Here we show that after a stroke in mice, tonic neuronal inhibition is increased in the peri-infarct zone. This increased tonic inhibition is mediated by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors and is caused by an impairment in GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) transporter (GAT-3/GAT-4) function. To counteract the heightened inhibition, we administered in vivo a benzodiazepine inverse agonist specific for α5-subunit-containing extrasynaptic GABAA receptors at a delay after stroke. This treatment produced an early and sustained recovery of motor function. Genetically lowering the number of α5- or δ-subunit-containing GABAA receptors responsible for tonic inhibition also proved beneficial for recovery after stroke, consistent with the therapeutic potential of diminishing extrasynaptic GABAA receptor function. Together, our results identify new pharmacological targets and provide the rationale for a novel strategy to promote recovery after stroke and possibly other brain injuries.
Andrew N. Clarkson, Ben S. Huang, Sarah E. MacIsaac, Istvan Mody S. Thomas Carmichael | Stroke is a leading cause of disability, but no pharmacological therapy is currently available for promoting recovery. The brain region adjacent to stroke damage—the peri-infarct zone—is critical for rehabilitation, as it shows heightened neuroplasticity, allowing sensorimotor functions to re-map from damaged areas. Thus, understanding the neuronal properties constraining this plasticity is important for the development of new treatments. Here we show that after a stroke in mice, tonic neuronal inhibition is increased in the peri-infarct zone. This increased tonic inhibition is mediated by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors and is caused by an impairment in GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) transporter (GAT-3/GAT-4) function. To counteract the heightened inhibition, we administered in vivo a benzodiazepine inverse agonist specific for α5-subunit-containing extrasynaptic GABAA receptors at a delay after stroke. This treatment produced an early and sustained recovery of motor function. Genetically lowering the number of α5- or δ-subunit-containing GABAA receptors responsible for tonic inhibition also proved beneficial for recovery after stroke, consistent with the therapeutic potential of diminishing extrasynaptic GABAA receptor function. Together, our results identify new pharmacological targets and provide the rationale for a novel strategy to promote recovery after stroke and possibly other brain injuries.
Wyeth MS, Zhang N, Mody I, Houser CR Perisomatic inhibition from basket cells plays an important role in regulating pyramidal cell output. Two major subclasses of CA1 basket cells can be identified based on their expression of either cholecystokinin (CCK) or parvalbumin. This study examined their fates in the mouse pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Overall, immunohistochemical labeling of GABAergic boutons in the pyramidal cell layer of CA1 was preserved in the mouse model. However, CCK-labeled boutons in this layer were chronically reduced, whereas parvalbumin-containing boutons were conserved. Immunohistochemistry for cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB(1)), another marker for CCK-containing basket cells, also labeled fewer boutons in pilocarpine-treated mice. Hours after status epilepticus, electron microscopy revealed dark degenerating terminals in the pyramidal cell layer with lingering CCK and CB(1) immunoreactivity. In mice with recurrent seizures, carbachol-induced enhancement of spontaneous IPSCs (sIPSCs) originating from CCK-containing basket cells was accordingly reduced in CA1 pyramidal cells. By suppressing sIPSCs from CCK-expressing basket cells, a CB(1) agonist reverted the stimulatory effects of carbachol in naive mice to levels comparable with those observed in cells from epileptic mice. The agatoxin-sensitive component of CA1 pyramidal cell sIPSCs from parvalbumin-containing interneurons was increased in pilocarpine-treated mice, and miniature IPSCs were reduced, paralleling the decrease in CCK-labeled terminals. Altogether, the findings are consistent with selective reduction in perisomatic CA1 pyramidal cell innervation from CCK-expressing basket cells in mice with spontaneous seizures and a greater reliance on persisting parvalbumin innervation. This differential alteration in inhibition may contribute to the vulnerability of the network to seizure activity.
Santhakumar V, Jones RT, Mody I. Striatal neurons are known to express GABA(A) receptor subunits that underlie both phasic and tonic inhibition. Striatal projection neurons, or medium spiny neurons (MSNs), are divided into two classes: MSNs containing the dopamine D1 receptor (D1-MSNs) form the direct pathway to the substantia nigra and facilitate movement while MSNs expressing the dopamine D2 receptor (D2-MSNs) form the pallidal pathway that inhibits movement. Consequently, modulating inhibition in distinct classes of MSNs will differentially impact downstream network activity and motor behavior. Given the powerful role of extrasynaptic inhibition in controlling neuronal excitability, we examined the nature of striatal tonic inhibition and its potential role in preventing excitotoxicity. Consistent with earlier studies in young (P16-P25) mice, tonic GABA currents in D2-MSNs were larger than in D1-MSNs. However, with age (>P30 mice) the tonic GABA currents increased in D1-MSNs but decreased in D2-MSNs. These data demonstrate a developmental switch in the MSN subtype expressing larger tonic GABA currents. Compared to wild-type, MSNs from adult mice lacking the GABA(A)R delta subunit (Gabrd(-/-) mice) had both decreased tonic GABA currents and reduced survival following an in vitro excitotoxic challenge with quinolinic acid. Furthermore, muscimol-induced tonic GABA currents were accompanied by reduced acute swelling of striatal neurons after exposure to NMDA in WT mice but not in Gabrd(-/-) mice. Our data are consistent with a role for tonic inhibition mediated by GABA(A)R delta subunits in neuroprotection against excitotoxic insults in the adult striatum. Copyright 2010 IBRO. All rights reserved.
Farshchi S, Pesterev A, Nuyujukian P, Guenterberg E, Mody I, Judy JW. To create a wireless neural recording system that can benefit from the continuous advancements being made in embedded microcontroller and communications technologies, an embedded-system-based architecture for wireless neural recording has been designed, fabricated, and tested. The system consists of commercial-off-the-shelf wireless-enabled processor modules (motes) for communicating the neural signals, and a back-end database server and client application for archiving and browsing the neural signals. A neural-signal-acquisition application has been developed to enable the mote to either acquire neural signals at a rate of 4000 12-bit samples per second, or detect and transmit spike heights and widths sampled at a rate of 16670 12-bit samples per second on a single channel. The motes acquire neural signals via a custom low-noise neural-signal amplifier with adjustable gain and high-pass corner frequency that has been designed, and fabricated in a 1.5-microm CMOS process. In addition to browsing acquired neural data, the client application enables the user to remotely toggle modes of operation (real-time or spike-only), as well as amplifier gain and high-pass corner frequency.
Mann EO, Mody I. Gamma-frequency oscillations depend on phasic synaptic GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)R)-mediated inhibition to synchronize spike timing. The spillover of synaptically released GABA can also activate extrasynaptic GABA(A)Rs, and such tonic inhibition may also contribute to modulating network dynamics. In many neuronal cell types, tonic inhibition is mediated by delta subunit-containing GABA(A)Rs. We found that the frequency of in vitro cholinergically induced gamma oscillations in the mouse hippocampal CA3 region was increased by the activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) on interneurons. The NMDAR-dependent increase of gamma oscillation frequency was counteracted by the tonic inhibition of the interneurons mediated by delta subunit-containing GABA(A)Rs. Recordings of synaptic currents during gamma activity revealed that NMDAR-mediated increases in oscillation frequency correlated with a progressive synchronization of phasic excitation and inhibition in the network. Thus, the balance between tonic excitation and tonic inhibition of interneurons may modulate gamma frequency by shaping interneuronal synchronization.